Midway Airbus A320

Original Model by: IFDG
Painted for Midway Airlines Virtual (http://www.simairline.net/midway/) by: Ali Abou-Zeid (ali.abou-zeid@simairline.net)

Aircraft: Airbus A320
Registration: N304ML
Manufacturer Serial Number: 373 (A320 family line)


Unzip the contents of the "Effects IFDG A320" folder to you "Effects" folder in you FS directory.
Copy the folder "Midway A320" to your FS "aircraft" folder. You will find the aircraft under Airbus-->A320-200-->Midway

Panel Issues:

I have aliased the panel to the B737, leaving you the choice of choosing the A320 panel you want.

I personally suggest the freeware A320 panel by Eric Marciano (http://emarciano.flightsimmer.com/) Please visit the FAQ section as there are some issues with FS2004 and updates that needs to be downloaded along with the panel.

For those who experience problems witht he flaps indicator using Eric Marciano's panel, please locate the following file in you panel.cfg file:

gauge16=A320!E/WD, 722,446,215,192

And replace it with this one:

gauge16=A320!E/WD, 722,446,215,192,0-5-10-15-20-35

This is it, this will show the correct flaps configuration in your flaps indicator.

Enjoy it

For comments, suggestion and/or questions please don't hesitate to contact me at ali.abou-zeid@simairline.net